An acronymn for FUCKING USE GOOGLE, used when people on the god damn internet would rather ask a group of people what something is than look it up for themselves.

Usually followed by FFS.
Guy: Hurp durp, what day is St. Patrick's Day?
by cadon March 14, 2010
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(n) synonym for fucks
- "man fugs this, im goin to get my d sucked"

- "i fugs wit it mayne"
by drum669 January 31, 2012
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Fug- is used in multiple purposes. It is a term commonly used by high class people about people with lower class. It can also be used to describe people who are very jealous. Also to be a fug it means that you are incredibly stupid, and should grow a brain. This word should only be used to people who deserve it
Francesco, Dan, and Isaiah are all big fugs because they dislike the 'Super Six'.

Dan is a big fug, for speaking to low class people like Goerge.

by S-6 February 1, 2008
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Life is so good when i carry you in my heart
Life will be better when i carry you on my back 🙉
Are you heavy?

I have to go back to spray painting now.

Feel hugged
and fugged 🖤
by Krkič July 16, 2019
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A member of the 1960's ESP/Reprise band, the Fugs.
A dance created by the aforementioned band.
Tuli, Ed, and Ken are fugs.
Baby, let's fug.
by Lo Beedle January 27, 2004
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Fug is a word that has been used for generations, it is one of the most widely unused words in the language. It is commonly known as the same thing as fuck
by Alex December 21, 2004
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