It's a person who isn't worthy to have sex with a mother, but is low as to have sex with a male possing to be a female (tranny) who is a mother type of figure in there life.
Drew Cary is a mother fuck stick who has mommy issues .

Well mother fuck stick!
by Kcmeadows November 28, 2017
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a composite word designed to infer that someone is lower than a snakes balls.
now Bush,there's a dog wanking fuck stick
by pax September 18, 2003
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When one pukes into a stick mold, then freezes the mold, then, hours later, uses the frozen stick of puke to fuck another person.
Man, Janet and I got so drunk last night, I ended up shoving a Frozen Puke Fuck-Stick in her ass. The worst part was, after it melted down, her dog came and licked up the pile of melted shit-puke.
by BloodHound0107 January 10, 2010
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The warden was very displeased that the convicts were not keeping their shit-ass fuck sticks clean and infections were a crisis
by von groovy September 15, 2019
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an Australian slang word used to describe a moment of great disappointment.

can be used in place of FML.
*open lunch box, and find muesli bar* "Fuck my dick with a stick!"

*you piss two ways and both miss the toilet* " Fuck my dick with a stick!"

gf:"can i fuck your dick with a stick?"
you:"Fuck my dick with a stick"
by thatguyathjs November 7, 2011
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Derogatory reference used to describe useless office drone days workers, (typically working Mon-Fri 40hr weeks).

It is derived from the fact that they enjoy celebrating with cake (hence the cake-eating), and often perform very little in the way of useful tasks during their workday(hence the fuck-stick).
Those cake-eating fuck-sticks can't get anything right.
by Chazzman72 February 24, 2020
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Exclamation of surprise or shock as a result of nothign short of a miracle.
Jesus fucking Christ on a pogo stick! How did you get pregnant without having sex?!
by scalz July 10, 2006
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