When the referee keeps blowing the damn whistle calling random ass bull shit fouls that make no god damn sense
Zpak: Yo!!! That ref blowin the whistle again, yo that bitch in the zone brah she's foul happy

Liljun: ah man that's booty
by I'm just say in' December 6, 2014
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During a basketball game, the act of farting in an attempt to disrupt the shooter at the free throw line.
While I was at the State basketball tournament, I made some foul sharts in the 4th quarter so that my son's team would win their game.
by Bilbro_Swaggins June 27, 2015
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A particularly distasteful, repulsive man. Normally used to describe an old, lecherous, pissed-minnda in a pub or club, hitting on young girls.
"Get away from me, you foul unit."
by HellsBelS August 21, 2006
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When one member of a Lan Party runs unnecessary webpages and or videos (usually in the Highest resolution possible) that they use so much bandwidth that other Lan party members start to lag
Dude 1: "come see this ultra high def video of this cute lolcat!"

Dude 2: "Lan foul! That video is making me lag so bad."
by DrKnightHawk April 9, 2011
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Your old man can't afford another after he's been hit so hard in his nuts.
I got the half the rights to find your old man and kick him in the nuts so hard he could never foul the earth with another little shit like you.
by jdogger June 11, 2017
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A remix of the term, "Party Foul".

Usually an exclaimation from a social gathering when something goes wrong. So, any comment or action that results from someone screwing up, or, just being stupid, will receive an "OH, FIESTA FOUL!"
Brian: Bro, Kevin just hooked up with Austin's girlfriend

Taylor: Oh shit, FIESTA FOUL!

Kayla spills beer on Lindsay's new white shirt.

Alex: Fiesta foul!!!
by partygirl16 October 7, 2011
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