The act of filling your a woman's anus with hot cheese or chocolate before inserting your penis. The woman then licks the yummy coating off until both parties are satisfied.
That girl is way to skinny, I think she needs some Freeburg Fondue!
by Emil PB September 29, 2006
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An insult specifically about couples in which there is a guy who is a douche bag, aka dick cheese, and a girl who is a slapper, i.e. she has a hot, moist pussy. Together the dick cheese melts and makes a fondue pussy.
Person 1 - Who the fuck invited Tammy-Lin and Brock to the party?
Person 2 - I don't know I wished they'd piss off, those two are fucking Fondue Pussy
by Gibson McQueen July 1, 2012
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The act of skewering pieces of food and shoving them inside a man's anus then feeding it to him.
I gave my boyfriend a hairy fondue and he loved it.
by AlphonsoPinaColada April 18, 2009
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The act of dipping your penis into melted chocolate (or cheese) and having someone suck it off.
Oh man I had some delicious cockolate fondu last night, cadbury's from base to bellend.
by arnstar18 July 18, 2015
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1.A regional dish in Switzerland (Vaud/Valais) resembling a fondue "hot-dog" withouth the meat. A hole is first made on one end of a a baguette or long bun and then filled with hot fondue, creating a perfect snack on-the-go or in a crowded christmas market where tables are scarce.

2.A sexual act whereby the male ejaculates into the female without a condom. This term is distinguised from other similar acts by the sole fact that prior to the act, authentic Swiss fondue was consumed.
She met him on bumble and he proposed that they have "hot fondue", not knowing that was a regional form of actual fondue, she replied to him "OK, but not on the first date".
by PetiteSaucisse November 16, 2021
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Nephiral : I dipped my fruit in the fondue of life last night
Kappa : No way man! :O
by Nephiral August 15, 2017
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When you have sex with a girl on her period.
Bro 1: Yo dude, I totally fucked that chick last night, but she didn't tell me she was on her period so it was like strawberry fondue.
by EreignsoverN January 23, 2015
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