n. when you have an academically challenging schedule and successfully dodge difficult class periods in order to compensate for your inadequacy and inefficiency.

1) Often associated with an athletic, well-balanced kid, who also has a social life, yet chooses to take a difficult courses in order to convey academic rigor to colleges. Usually has deep seated insecurities.
Mikhail: Where's Duncan? This is the fifth Econ test he's missed in a row.
Erik: That kid has finesse! We'll see him next period.

Mr. Marsheck: Anika hasn't taken a math test on time once this semester, huh? She's sure sick a lot.
Emily Kuo: It's the finesse.
by 821softball April 7, 2017
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Steeling something; from the store; to your girlfriend/boyfriend
" I'm gonna go finesse some chips from the store. " " Imma finesse your girl while I'm at it. "
by Xx.anonymous. xX March 17, 2016
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1) In London Slang, meaning to steal something from someone or a shop.
2) To do something with skill, or with flair.
1) "Oi Biggz, can you finesse me a chicken dinner from home bargains?"
2) "That goal was scored with finesse"
by I'm Gassed March 25, 2017
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1) striking a soccer ball so it just hangs in the air before landing in the goal

2) having a nice shot in soccer

3) doing something quite well
guy 1: i was watching the world cup and i saw this dude finessing the ball, it seemed like it hung in the air for an eternity before it dropped in right above the keepers' hands.

guy 2: well i watched messi finessing the ball in. He shot it beautifully to the far post.
by soccer freak 94 June 8, 2010
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when you're done. when you're finished
'Mate, Im finessed'

'I finessed that shit'
by alpal98 October 29, 2018
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