To sit face to face with a girl while inserting your thumb into her bum and giving her a classic motorboat simultaneously.
Dude last night Roger so Burt and Ernie'd that girl while they were sitting on the couch.
by RiderGuy1006 October 9, 2011
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Code word for when one of your buddies is hitting on some ugly bitch. A way of breaking the ice to him without saying she's ugly.
day after: Hey man, thanks for bert and ernie'ing me last night, I didn't want to hook up with that big bitch.
by derek_nesta March 4, 2008
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What you call a pain in the ass ex.

These exes are the kind that have the nerve to dump you, and then talk about you behind your back as if you did anything wrong to them.
They like starting drama.
They like getting their new boyfriends/girlfriends in on making sure people think badly of you.

Probably because their ego can't take the fact that you didn't kill yourself as a result of being dumped by them.
Thus they feel the need to make others, as well as themselves, believe that you're still torn up inside over your break up by vocalizing crazy and delusional ideas.

Everyone has had and will have bad experiences with Ernie the Octopus at some point in their life, because they're everywhere.
Friend: "So I heard that Ernie the Octopus and his girlfriend were telling people in math class that when you passed him by in the hallway he could see your eyes glistening with unshed tears over the pain of losing him and seeing him with someone else."

by makemeasammichernie September 17, 2010
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Example 1: "Man that party last night was so Bert and Ernie bro!"

Example 2: "Dude she was sooooooooo Bert and Ernie I'm gonna hit that one more time"
by SandmanIsABeast July 26, 2010
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An Ernie Gang is a large group of Ernies under the rule of an elder Ernie. The Ernie cult was first conceived in December of 2018, and has since grown in members. Those who do not believe in the Ernie cult will die by the hands of the Lernie.
Watch out at that restaurant. There are a large amount of Ernie Gangs there.
by Current Lernie 2019 May 27, 2019
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