A word used to describe a person that is overly haggard, dry (drunk and high) or completely out of it
<man> Yo man you killed of that 26'er last night to yourself eh
<dude> Yea man i was so done
by Gito man June 2, 2005
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Someone who's face is fucked up. They are so ugly that they are done. Something like the uglist bitch you've ever seen. So far away from anything attractive that you forget what normal looks like.
That dude is done in!
by Sommer Goode December 6, 2007
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see that towerguy over there, he's Sean and he WAS doin' it, now he's done it
by Sean M. Volz June 17, 2004
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Fried, doughey delicacies more commonly known as donuts or doughnuts. Often enjoyed with coff or maybe some sips. Purhchased at the local DnD.
1. You guys want some munch? I got the dones and the coff in the truck, let's go!

2. Alright, let's go out and get some dones to supplement our Food-a-call.
by Shortass October 12, 2004
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slang term for hydrocodone. not done as in finished, but rhymes with cone
hey bro you got a done you can spare?
by lankston October 31, 2007
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when you are beaten badly, caught out for doing the wrong thing, drunk to the point you are legless (falling over)
idiots on the street throwing bricks at cars, DONE!!!!

hes had way too much to drink, hes done, TAXIIII!!!!
by bobs yer uncle March 4, 2008
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