Marry Rich Degree. When a person gets a rich or potentially rich spouse by marrying someone in a major with high earning potential or someone who is rich. It also refers to people in low income potential majors that must marry high income potential majors to pay off student loans or live luxury lifestyles. The potential spousal options are majoring in something that will make them wealthy or are already wealthy.
I need an MR degree to pay off my student loans. She parties a lot in college because she’s only here for a MR degree. His Daddy’s money is running out so he needs an MR degree.
by Anne332 August 5, 2020
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A college degree that cannot be applied to any useful career that would actually pay you enough money to survive. These degrees are usually recieved when students Major in such categories as History, Art History, and uncommon european languages.
Oh yeah, i spent eight years getting my idiot degree in history, turns out, theres no real jobs for that, im an idiot.

Bob said his kid is getting a masters in Ancient Slavic languages at Harvard. What an expensive way to get an idiot degree.
by crapple2011 May 28, 2011
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1. consuming a beer in a democratic nature 2. failing to finish a beer in a timely manner
Max-"Damn someones being dontastic and working on their nursing degree again"
Marc-"hey at least i'm not as democratic as don himself, sharing a miller lite with a 2 and leaving half of it"
by f23ftw January 6, 2008
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A useless napkin that is most commonly attained at a 2 year community college.
Mom: "we're out of toilet paper "
Me: "just use my associates degree "
by dawnmusic July 1, 2015
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A fancy sheet of paper that has no significance when in the hands of a woman.
by Jdiamwmgy June 26, 2010
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360 degree is a full rotation
360 degree is the angle in a circle
360 degree is very hot
"Nice dude your board just did a full 360 degree spin!!"

"wtf man, it's like 360 degrees out there!"
by b1lly April 14, 2015
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endless true love
bubbly song by morningwood
i seriously love tht guy tht got expelled from my school to the nth dehree

our love is to the nth degree
by kinda emo February 20, 2006
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