The corruption mod is a mod where Boyfriend becomes corrupted by Girlfriend, and he starts to corrupt everyone. After everyone is corrupted, Un-Corrupted Boyfriend tries to break free from the corrupted soul, but so far, it has been failing.
Don't cry Skid, It has no use, let my big great corruption take over your body. -Corrupted BF (FNF Chiller Lyrics)
Corruption Mod (FNF)
by kiday September 10, 2021
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1. A term used by the Democratic Party in 2006 to describe the problems of the Republican Party.

2. A term Republicans use to describe the Democratic Party in response to William Jefferson's bribery scandal, Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy on ethics, and Charlie Rangel's tax issues.

3. A book by conservative author and political blogger Michelle Malkin, subtitled "Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies"
These days, we're starting to see where the real Culture of Corruption is.
by StoogeWatcher August 21, 2010
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1. A unique, revolutionary clique founded by Tom Bomb that enjoys life, lives for today, and realizes that money is the least practical tool in life because you can find the pursuit of happiness without being a workaholic and career motivated.
2. A concept where you oppose materialism, live for today, and your favorite hobby is fuckin' around and doing whatever you feel like for the hell of it.
3. Shits and Giggles is the Corrupt Crew's maxim
There goes the Corrupt Crew, doing low budget jackass stunts for shits and giggles!
by Tom Bomb December 25, 2005
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The second-leading source of antitrust, right on the heals of MyCrudSoft sWindles. Frequently euphemized as Network Solutions, Incorporated.
In 1999 and 2000 Kneejerk Corruptions, Incorrigible held my domain name for ransom for seven months while I tried to transfer it to a different registrar, until I got the Better Business Bureau on their case.
by Downstrike September 14, 2004
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When you earn so much money on Craig's list, you become a complete douche to your friends and all you care about is making more Craig's list money.
by Shankyoself October 14, 2010
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