A form of ritual corporal punishment enacted usually in Hong Kong among male university students. 3 to 4 "executioners" carry their victim by their arms and legs; then split the victim's legs; and swing them so their groin area is subjected to bumping against a pole or corner (not violently). This is not meant to hurt the victim, but can be used maliciously by friends or enemies alike. It may take more than 5 minutes occasionally, until the executioners are satisfied. Sometimes it is called "to Bring Joy" and can be used for a victim's birthday, with "Happy Birthday" being sung to the individual while it being inflicted upon them.

Additional ways to express it may be to double the action with an "X Con", with two victims groins replacing the pole; or instead of swinging the into the pole, to do a "Rotational Con" which is to rotate the individual around the pole.

While some may be flattered or honoured for this to happen, many others find it humiliating or a form of sexual harassment.
The guys really Happy Corner'd Ernest for his birthday! What an honour!
by srslynotafob March 20, 2010
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1) A person who gives off perverted vibes but are too socially awkward to actually perform any sexual act.

2) A person who stands on the edge of a conversation, occasionally joining in however they never fully contribute to the conversation.
3) A person that gives the impression that they would stand and watch sexual intercourse whilst wanking silently in the corner.
“Omg Alex is such a corner wanker, all he does is stare at girls boobs but he’s never actually had a conversation with anyone”
by Hm0411 February 15, 2020
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The special corner in everyone's room where they go to coom.
Can also be a state of mind.
Wesley: Where's Namit?
Udai: He's probably in his coomer corner.
by zhewrong February 28, 2021
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a prostitute that kicks any woman off of a street corner because she believes that that woman is tying to steal the corner to work.
the legal secretary was waiting to cross the intersection but the crack whore assumed she was trying to work the corner, then proceeded to corner jack the secretary
by Magdalene St. Vitus March 22, 2005
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To do something with less than the appropriate amount of care. Possibly from the practice of taking a short cut when running around a city block, effectively cuting off a corner of the route.
If they hadn't cut so many corners when building that bridge, it probably wouldn't have fallen down.
by RCS May 25, 2004
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1. When a gamer, usually in PVP Fighting Games, will mercilessly attack the other gamer, not even giving them time to guard.

2. When a gamer backs another player into a corner and proceeds to attack them, giving them no place to esacpe to.
1) Damn n00b corner raped me! I couldn't get a single blow in!

2) I lost the match because the jerk backed me into a corner! I got corner raped!
by geek_me_seymour October 24, 2009
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when smoking from a bowl, positioning the lighter on the side of the bowl so that it only gets a fraction of the weed rather than going straight over the top and scorching the whole thing. this helps the weed last longer and essentially allows for multiple people to get greens.
"smitty, you little bitch. watching all that perfectly good smoke rise from the top of the pipe while you're telling some bullshit story instead of passing it is really killin me here. if you had been corner hitting this wouldn't have been an issue because you would have still gotten a good hit off a fraction of the total volume and saved plenty for the rest of us. and if you've really had a girlfriend for six months, how come none of us have ever seen her in real life or in your facebook pictures?"
by aapfwapf November 13, 2009
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