Someone that's dumb as fuck, even lacking common sense and has no idea.
That coconut was playing loud music at 3am while everyone was asleep.
by Ligris13 February 28, 2017
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The Coconut Tree is called "The Tree of Life" because of the endless list of products and by- products derived from its various parts. Food, shelter, fuel - name it, the coconut has it. The coconut industry is considered a major dollar earner that provides livelihood to one-third of the country's population.
coconut - buko,niyog
by jangjaehyuk10 November 22, 2012
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Jasmines head looks like a coconut.
Girl 1 - Jasmines head looks like a coconut

Girl 2 - Wow it really does
by isdihwfubsnansskbf June 21, 2019
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"Dark on the outside, white on the inside"

Slur used by minorities to describe other minorities who actually want to further themselves along the career ladder. Sometimes used by racist whites who likes to assume anyone not white belongs in the gutter.
"look at that coconut gettin' an education"

"black man in the army is usually a coconut"
by Gumba Gumba February 21, 2004
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A boisterous, bombastic, flashy black person. Basically anytime a black person acts black, especially in the field of competition. Originally used in the saying "coconut mentality."
"Man, T.O. is such a coconut."

"That's just his coconut mentality kicking in" (when a black athlete gets penalized for excessive celebration)
by CoconutMentality January 12, 2011
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An inhabitant from Samoa, Western Samoa, Maori - you know COCO island people .
He was built like a coconut munger
by Comatose March 26, 2004
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"God, that girl may be a brunette, but she acts SO blonde"

"She's such a coconut!"
by Krissy March 26, 2004
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