When you tell someone “shut up cargo pants”, it means they have been destroyed because everyone knows only the mentally ill wear cargo pants.
Jessica: “Hey look, prokda is wearing cargo pants
Derek: “prokda is retarded, that’s why”

prokda: “go to hell
Jessica: “Shut up cargo pants”
by I arent click that May 11, 2020
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A Cargo Plane Full Of Hurtin is when someone is really nasty, fat or just obnoctious, there are 100 hurin boxes in a cargo plane in a hurtin box there are 12 hurtin units.
Me: Hey Man, Did You see Chrissy Lately?
Friend: Yeah Man, She Looked Like "A Cargo Plane Full Of Hurtin"
by Bhask December 7, 2010
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Freddy Cargo is a Tiktoker of age 2 of TikTok and has 5.5k followers and 22k likes at his height 5’7 future height 7’8
I love Freddy Cargo
by 69_420unkwonkuser April 20, 2022
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a) The place inside an airship or boat where goods are stored.

b) If you don't know what a cargo cult is, you probably misheard it as cargo hold, causing you to look up a definition.
Flight attendant: Hey, fox wizard, we'll pay you to defend the cargo hold in the back of the zeppelin.
Fox wizard: Sure. It's not like I have anything else to be doing back here.
by you're joshing me. May 9, 2020
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A white male with ancestors of common name "Cargo". Owner of a very small, bent, ugly penis. Has no purpose in life.
Usually the owner of a very small curvy penis. useless to society and ugly
Man this guy is such a nick cargo
by Randahinda April 29, 2015
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A fat dirty ahh ranga with a huge stinkin green cargo breathe
That kid names ben poole is a massive cargo wimp with bunion’s on his nads
by Bigblackmeatycock69 July 28, 2022
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The sudden realization that a hot poo is imminent
How are you Jason? Sorry Carl I can’t talk I have some hot cargo to drop off
by Bulldinkle September 6, 2022
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