Another way to refer to the grundle.
John tried to kick me in the asshole but it went south and tore up my manama canal. So tender.
by JurassicJake December 16, 2015
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Another term for simultaneous double penetration. Reminiscent of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans "meeting in the middle" via the panama canal.
Wow! Me and Vince had a great time Panama Canaling Tina last night.
by purr like a cat December 4, 2011
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Female promoting her sexual desires
Friend 1: hey man you see brittney flirting with all them guys at the party last night
Friend 2: yea dude she was out there slinging canal, cat daddy.
by Cat Daddy6.9 April 21, 2019
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When your shit won't flush down, and sits in the bottom of the bowl at an angle.
Leaving stall to next guy in line, "I flushed three times, but it's the Suez Canal in there."
by Sam_R. September 24, 2021
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an extremely long period of releasing body fluids.
is it raining in texas or are you breaching the canal?
by renaynay February 10, 2009
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The act of accomplishing male climax into the ear of another person.
"You know how Betsy's been a little deaf recently? I totally gave her an Eerie Canal last weekend."
by Niggle McNeil March 10, 2008
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The lubricating fluid present within a woman's vagina when she is sexually aroused.

See cunt juice.
1. Besides, you get her going for some piss clit action and her canal cream is gonna have a stronger scent than the few drops of piss on her clit!

2. Canal cream FTW!

3. mmmmmm canal cream........... That's like some sort of Ice Cream flavor isn't it?
by Ghostwulfe June 24, 2005
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