it's what makes up 95% of all Religion.
Bullshitism is what keeps idiots believing in Religion in the first place.
by NeMeSiSM66 October 9, 2004
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When anything happens, reminds you of the word "bullshit"...
Tracher: paraphrase this...
Student A: bluh bluh bluhing bluh... (although a good answer)
Student B: (whispering) bullshit...
Teacher: That was buuuullshiiiit
Student B raising his hand: bullshitism gentlemen, Its called bullshitism

Teacher: ...!
(Even you reading this may simply say: bullshit!)
by VjForever May 9, 2016
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Angry - (seems to be used this way exclusively in New England)
I'm bullshit with that guy. He ripped me off.
by k diddy January 26, 2004
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goofing off, pretending to be working when youre not
bob: steve! i thought you were cleaning my desk! quit bullshitting and get back to work!
by superninja101 December 23, 2007
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What every college student gets really good at over a period of time when he/she procrastinates.Typically gets work done but in a very mediocre way.
Friend : Hey sally did you do the paper on hamlet?
Sally: Yes of course I don't want to fail so I Bullshit
by I Cheat December 13, 2016
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