To "Biden" someone is to attempt to secretly smell someone (usually, but not always a young girl) from behind in a creepy manner.
"Did you just Biden me? "

"That guy got fired for Bidening an underaged girl. "
by ObamaClinton November 15, 2020
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Wow, these major are really Biden.
by IraqiCitizen November 25, 2020
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If this is a person's last or first name, they are most likely the biggest liar that cares about nobody. A person who endorses a kkk leader, and a person that supported his crow laws and made black lives difficult in the past.
Hey look its the man that voted for the crime bill to put black people back into prison cages
democrats: biden and the kkk leader is so inspirational!!
by johnny7768867 November 23, 2021
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This absolute idiot who has been in office 19% of the US' existence, and done absolutely nothing.
Person 1: Hey who you voting for in 2020?
Person 2: Biden, why?
Person 1: yeah, you seem like that kind of person.
Person 1: *never contacts or speaks to person 2 again*
by makayla4256 September 30, 2020
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Trump: tries to do everything in his power to help better the country

Biden: No
by rednecklife March 19, 2021
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Pedophile & Sex Offender, also puts children in cages and loves smelling their hair for some reason.
weirdo:Biden is the best president ever
nor/mal: Bro, you can get your children taken away and be put in jail if you refuse to let them get their genitals cut off
by nor/mal March 5, 2021
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B - Brain dead
I - Idiotic retard asshole
D - Dementia
E - Evidently sold out to China
N - Not Safe Around Kids
Well it only took about 2 weeks for Biden to break every promise he made during his "campaign."
by That Maine Hipster March 8, 2021
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