5 definitions by makayla4256

This absolute idiot who has been in office 19% of the US' existence, and done absolutely nothing.
Person 1: Hey who you voting for in 2020?
Person 2: Biden, why?
Person 1: yeah, you seem like that kind of person.
Person 1: *never contacts or speaks to person 2 again*
by makayla4256 September 30, 2020
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The single greatest movie in existince, there's a reason it made the most box office money.
Oh hey dude, did you hear that Endgame passed Avatar in the box office
Oh yeah thats so cool, lets go spend $1,000 on Avengers merch
by makayla4256 December 12, 2019
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This website, where when you click on any word, and watch it somehow relate to sex. Seriously, just scroll down and there will likely be some sex reference.
person 1: hey go search up barney on urban dictionary
Person 2: why is it talking about a sex position??
by makayla4256 May 10, 2020
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An absolute bitch with more issues than you can count. Full on gifted kid syndrome, and constantly struggling with everything. She's a straight-up dumbass who tries way to hard to meet expectations, but just can't, and as a result, forever struggles with perfectionism and burnt-out.
This isn't a definition, it's a cry for help, look at my name. (Hint, it's Makayla)
by makayla4256 December 30, 2022
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Someone being unusually fat, normally in the butt
“Oh man I was watching The Incredibles last night and elasticity is THICCC as hell”
by makayla4256 October 8, 2019
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