What will be will be regardless.
Keisera, sera, whatever will bee, will sting, the bee's not in the hive 2c, wt wl b wl b.
by Hercolena Oliver April 8, 2009
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The greatest guitar player EVER, is so AWSOME and has one of the coolest guitars of all time!!
by Jaymz Fox April 23, 2006
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for yall who don't know what B B C stands for no worries it stands for big black cock
B B C Adrien
by that one girl you like December 4, 2019
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The act of taking a quick shower for the sole purpose of only washing your butt and balls.
John: You don't have time to shower we have to get to the party.

Bill: Don't worry, I'm just going to take a B&B Shower.
by Dylan Pij April 6, 2017
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The term “b-b-bussin” is a term widely used to describe something that is very satisfying or a way to say that it was enjoyable
Dude: “damn that ass was B-B-BUSSIN
by Scouts_glizzy July 8, 2021
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1. B&B stands for 'Blow & Booze' it is an illicit club located in Orlando, FL. It was created by a UCF student around 2002, and has since then expanded to many central florida high schools. It's an underground club known for its 'extreme/lavish parties' and a scene full of 'drugs, sex, and alcohol'. It is very hard to get in to. The initiation is crazy, sometimes involving sleeping with a member of the club. But, once you are in the club you are entitled to unlimited amount of alcohol, friends, money, and drugs. Yet, you have to sell your share of drugs and pay your dues. Once in the club, however, it is very hard to get out.

2. Best secret society club in Florida. Usually not spoken about in conversation due to the dangers. But, you will know when you have been to a B&B party. Best f*cking parties ever!
1. Guy: Yo girl, did you hear that Stacie is the B&B Club's newest acceptee?
Girl: Oh crap, I wonder what she had to do to get in?

2. Girl: That party was insane last night! Who knew that a highschool girl could throw such a crazy party!
Guy: Damn I know! She must be a member of the B&B Club.
by Smithydale May 31, 2009
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A formula used when you want to square an addition between two numbers
Math teacher: (a+b)²=a²+2ab+b²
Students: ok
by I'm bored so I wrote that November 11, 2022
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