An organized Orgy were all participants are unshaved and covered in body hair. Typical activities during a Pubic Event are to either lick,eat,braid or burn body hair as a nature incense
"Tom asked me if i had ever heard of a Pubic Event,i said no.After explaining what it was,he asked if i was intersted. i accepted"
by poppinpoopdrops December 3, 2020
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You banged
Bro dyel: How did things do the other night with Cat?
Swag bro: Events transpired.
Bro dyel: Gj.
by Ihavetoreturnsomevideotapes January 23, 2016
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Events people seek when they've had enough of being a homogeneous drone subscribing to society's mainstream (i.e. football, baseball, basketball, etc.). These are the emergent, unexpected and sometimes outrageous events people seek to celebrate all the things that made us unique.
Susie: I'm sick and tired of watching football every Sunday. Is there a fringe event going on so we can change it up a bit?
Pam: In fact there is. Let's head down to the Bay Fields to catch some live-action Segway Polo.
Susie: Sounds great!
by Shamrock32 November 16, 2009
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The exact moment in time between when a person realizes that they are going to have diarrhea and that it is inevitable.

In physics, the event horizon is the "point of no return" in which an object is caught in the gravitational pull of a black hole.
I'm having an event horizon and need to find the bathroom.
by FerdinandLB July 30, 2011
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Board #400 on GameFAQs. Now the most active social board. Users generally fall into at least one of the following groups:

CEgals - Female posters. Rarely post anything interesting, but hey, they're girls. Lyke omg! Often followed around by white knights (users who love them) and black knights (users who hate them).

Gimmick users - Users who only post about _one_ thing. Sometimes their username will reflect that. They are known to go through great lengths to somehow fit that one thing into a completely unrelated conversation, but if they're feeling lazy, or just suck at what they do, they'll simply spam topic after topic of their own.

CE"vets" - Posters who also frequent CEchat on AIM. Generally act condescending, but in reality they somehow find joy in being considered annoying as hell by the general populace. Go figure.

Experts - Make a topic about economics, politics, or religion, and these guys will swarm in, preaching from their soapboxes like they all have graduate degrees in said subjects. Ironically, most tend to be high school-aged.

Most other people on CE fit the profile of your typical internet forum user; white suburban kid between 14 and 19, loves bands like Sum 41 and Rise Against, nerdy, and a little bitter.
Current Events - The land of snobbery, spam, and obnoxious picture-signatures.
by blackiegallaggie August 11, 2009
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(v) to simultaneously usurp someones status via the planning of an unrelated, off-topic, fictional event.

Used to satirize emotionally vague facebook status' or vaguebooking. Incorporating sincere previous posters and originality is indicative a greater skill.
Tim says: strange feeling...

Claire Comments: Im sorry...

Chris Comments: hard times.

Brad Comments: Sho, lank tough. Chris, wat u doing tonight? Want to grab a beer?

Chris Comments: Sup Brad, I was thinking of doing some training for the Tour de France this eve, but that sounds equally productive. Location?

Brad Comments: Haha. Neva seen u on a bike yet. Reckon we could talk a better game with a beer. Im thinking Forries? Wat time works for you?

Chris Comments: I recon we order from, get steers, and ask them to deliver it all to Claire's where we watch LOTR III. No fun in life without variety.

Brad Comments: Sounds Good :D

Brad to Chris on Skype: Dude, we totally just event bombed Tim's status!
by Madly Bran June 21, 2010
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A style of rap music that generates a ton of buzz because of the artists involved, instead of for quality.
"This party needs some event rap, put on Watch the Throne!"
by Rafferty McCafferty September 25, 2011
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