Hrithik Roshan
A complete actor is one who is very good actor but also he should look good , have a great physique , should dance well , can do action, drama , offbeat and all other types of films . Complete actor loves to different kinds of roles that make him complete and versatile actor .
by Complete Actor July 4, 2019
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A male porn star who exclusively does anal.
Mike: "Hey Jim, want to go shoot a Bukkake scene with me?"
Jim: "Nope, sorry Mike, I'm a backdoor actor."
by SamuelClemens5 January 27, 2012
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A term used by alt-right goons, conspiraloons and online trolls to describe a victim of a mass shooting, thereby casting aspersions on the legitimacy of their accounts of the event. The claim being made is that the 'victim' is in fact an actor in some bigger conspiracy.
"That kid on TV was never at that school. She was a crisis actor, coached by the FBI to attack the 2nd amendment and Trump."
"Only a soulless braindead nazi troll would call a victim of a school shooting a crisis actor."
by Dr Buckles February 21, 2018
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One who will record any video with a mediocre plot and has about as much skill at acting as any other person on Youtube. Common qualities in a youtube actor contain constant smiling, messing the script up and the same face throughout the entire video (usually a smile because what they think they're doing is hilarious when it usually isn't).
Guy: Man I hated that video, those guys were such youtube actors.
by Halloween2011 April 24, 2011
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a POV actor is an actor/ actress from TikTok that 'acts' to popular audios. I put acts in quotes because they don't actually have talent. they just lip sync and fake cry that correlates with a certain point of view.
"Wow! Did you see the new POV actor on TikTok? They can't actually act, but people hype them up too fucking much."
by abbio420 April 24, 2020
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That one guy that waits at the end of the mario kart track so xQc can win the race.
by sister_becka January 19, 2021
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Someone who acts like someone they're not in real life.
Earl says he starting split end for his football team. The truth is the kid is 5 foot 6, weighs 180, can barely bench 60 and runs a 40 in 10 seconds and cant even catch. Hes a real good E-Actor.
by TheyCallMeJesus July 27, 2008
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