A chick who thinks dressing skankily, caking makeup on her face, and hanging on every guy that comes along makes her "cute" or "hot", may tend to fuck every guy that lives, but fails, because everyone knows she's an ugly whore who couldn't get Ellen Degeneres to molest her if she tried.
Guy 1: Haha, there goes insert name of whore here. She's such a fugly bitch.
Guy 2: Haha, I'm with you bro. SLUTTTTT!!!!!!!!
by fullofswag1999 February 9, 2012
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I dont like sluts, they're just the leftovers from another guy.
by Dr. Leftover May 14, 2007
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having sex with a slut. (like sledding but no snow or sled involved; just riding a slut)
"i met this whore at a party and went slutting all night!"
by aplsauce May 12, 2010
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the act of dancing in a disgusting way that simulates sexual activity with multiple partners. Side effects include the surrounding spectator's vomiting.
Look at the group over there, they won't stop slutting! It's gross!
by this has to stop February 13, 2011
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S: sweet person

L: little angel

U:unforgettable love

T: Thot you should never lose
by JaimyNew November 30, 2019
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a girl whose vagina has no traction anymore cause she puts out too much.
i couldnt even fuck that slut last nite cause it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
by saray September 24, 2006
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A person, usually female, who has dissociated themselves from their body and who has stripped the sexual act of any meaning and significance by engaging in frequent sexual encounters indiscriminantly with multiple partners without regard to the identity of and relationship with their partners.
That slut didn't give a fuck about who she was fucking.
by Ravoflavin December 31, 2008
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