An exclusive club to those who can finish an alcoholic beverage while wakesurfing without a rope and pass the empty vessel back to the boat without falling.
by Wake maker January 22, 2017
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Similar to web surfing. What somebody does when they are looking for something on their computer, usually an old assignment or paper that could be reused. Also what people do with somebody elses computer in attempt to find their porn.
Jane did not feel like writing a 4 page essay, so she folder surf so she could turn in a paper she wrote 3 years ago.

Michael borrowed George computer, assuming george had porn on his computer Michael folder surf.
by CaptainGarbage January 4, 2014
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A Sexual interaction which must either be performed in Cleveland or by a person born in Cleveland, during this act the receiver must move their hips around in an O shape, while the giver covers the receivers dangly part with tons of lubricant, and then proceeding to give vicious head to the receiver (still moving hips in an O), then whenever the receiver is stimulated to the point of near ejaculation, the giver starts swirling their tongue around the tip like a twirly brush at a car wash then when he busts you catch or spit it in your hand and throw it towards their face
Person 1 : you hear about how jay and his girlfriend broke up because she gave him a Cleveland Surf N Turf?
Person 2 : what the fuck is that
by Theehmscloutgang January 24, 2021
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The sexual attraction to a person considerably older than you.

Usually has silver/gray hair.
"Did you see Jena's new boyfriend? He's like 70."

"Yeah, she's definitely silver surfing."

"Gonna hit up the retirement home today and do some silver surfing."
by Panduhmonium December 9, 2015
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When a man's gooch is lightly tickled by an older man's gray mustache.
I prefer the company of a young female, but I can't resist the opportunity to do some silver surfing!
by Carp72081 April 5, 2017
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Universe Surfing is the act of tripping serious balls, really only on psychedelics. Usually the trip is accompanied by meditation, and the trip is usually taken to gain insight by looking within one's self, or trying to astral project and explore the afterlife/space while high on the aforementioned substances, hence "universe surfing".
Rhett: "Dude, you busy tonight?"
Bailey: "iunno, not really, why?"
Rhett: "Let's go universe surfing."
by Bartislartfast September 22, 2016
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