by FireBeast420 April 27, 2007
by Cinnamon Crime Ring (CCR) May 3, 2004
Someone who is in their late twenties/early thirties who is single but established in life. They are well into their professional career, have a fancy car and own their own house. Their friends around them are settling down and having kids but a box set ready person remains single but is desperate to meet someone and quickly settle down so they can catch up with their settling down friends.
This person is "box set ready."
This person is "box set ready."
by Uglysoxdude January 24, 2017
Man, Shaniqua, Taniqua and Moniqua are a 3 box set like I have never seen. I couldn't walk straight for a week.
by Here comes Johnny November 3, 2003
by Mcja1982 January 5, 2022