Ever is a guy who has the big 8 inch+ dick
Wow, I heard Ever has a long dick, i want to ride it all night long
by swatx May 2, 2022
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An awesome person with an awesome personality if you get to know him well.He is a very handsome and has a lot of friends but prefers to be with the real ones .He likes to play sports and is very competitive and at some point it is annoying.He is shy when it comes to relationships but if you do date him he will give you all the attention in the world and ignores any girl that tries to talk to him other than his girlfriend.He doesn’t like to have girl friends and prefers to be surrounded by guys.He is very playful if you get close to him and is very trust worthy and likes to overthink things.When he walks alone he is usually thinking of something and he is worried about something he is a good lover and likes to get over his girlfriend and gets hard very easily when he is with her and likes to give her attention and likes to make her know that he loves her . He is smart and respect women .He has had a rough child hood but always looks happy.He is a very loving person especially with his family,friends and his love.
by Ever the one ever November 21, 2021
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The most handsom boy you’ll ever see. Also has the biggest dick.
Son: Who’s Ever?
Mom: “The boy with the biggest dick i’ve seen”
by K1llua Zolydyc February 24, 2021
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A depressed ginger but we love him as a friend.
Guy: hey Evers

Ginger: I’m not a robot
by Balderanus48 October 7, 2019
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She funny,cute,amazing, cute,beautiful,hot, did I say amazing? I’f not amazing. Literally the best person in the whole entire world. Everybody loves her. She just overall a GREAT person
Ever is a amazing girl tbh
by E the goat November 22, 2021
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If someone says, "ever" after, "what" it means they are addicted to rule34 of Sonic the Hedgehog. They also are sexually attracted to piss and feces. One thing they always wear are diapers to poop because they always have to tend to their discord kittens who use them for nitro (and other riches).
Ann: "What?"
Jake: "Oh, I was going-"
Ann: "Ever"
by Ishan :3 May 26, 2022
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With his dark features and cool style, Ever is always the most handsome man in the room. Although he lacks in the humor dept — he makes up for it with his taste in music, his loyalty in friendships and his consistent commitment to rallying every social gathering with a fireball shot. To be loved by him is an honor and pleasure.. always a giggle, good meal and quality time. Hold him close as every interaction makes you feel as though you’ve won the jackpot.
Who is last place in fantasy football this season? Probably Ever.

Ever is the sixth man on the Phoenix Suns.
by aj pollock November 23, 2021
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