When a photograph is so complimentary that it would look good on the photo board your family creates to display at your funeral.
That photo Jeanne posted of you and Leighla watching television is completely board-worthy.
by Chibob1963 February 23, 2014
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a person who likes to hang out on the message board of several sport teams.
Rosalie is sending posts on the Flyers, the Islanders, the Sabres, the Red Wings and the Wild message boards. She's a real message board prostitute.
by BadHumor July 23, 2009
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Something to snort lines of coke off of
Guy: I want to use you as my blow board for the night
Girl: Blow board?
Guy: Yeah! Like.. a blow board to do coke off of
by Droppedmycroissant July 7, 2019
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When you hit a cub, with a board.
Hey man! Look at this cub...Hey wait, i have a board in the back of the car! Lets get it... we'll play cub boards."
by Long rod beef June 24, 2011
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When a male sits their partner down and urinates and ejaculates into his partners mouth while trying not to vomit
That throat boarding last night was so sick!

Please throat board me!
by That e Sex bandit September 5, 2022
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When someone with a vagina sits on your face with a such force that you think you're going to drown in pussy, but you don't drown, you just have a face full of pussy.
by Kisa22 June 24, 2022
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A longboard that a poser skates. Usually with clear or spray on grip. Not legit.
I heard Bob started skating.

Yea, He rides a mitch board.
by joshy washy November 7, 2007
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