When you jump in that back(a**) and you ride(grinding) the waves (winding) An you ride it like a surfboard.

synonymous:Grinding ,Riding ,Surfing ,Exotic Dancing.
When work came i had the back-board my girl
by 444 + 222 March 19, 2018
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Something to snort lines of coke off of
Guy: I want to use you as my blow board for the night
Girl: Blow board?
Guy: Yeah! Like.. a blow board to do coke off of
by Droppedmycroissant July 7, 2019
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When you hit a cub, with a board.
Hey man! Look at this cub...Hey wait, i have a board in the back of the car! Lets get it... we'll play cub boards."
by Long rod beef June 24, 2011
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When someone with a vagina sits on your face with a such force that you think you're going to drown in pussy, but you don't drown, you just have a face full of pussy.
by Kisa22 June 24, 2022
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A longboard that a poser skates. Usually with clear or spray on grip. Not legit.
I heard Bob started skating.

Yea, He rides a mitch board.
by joshy washy November 7, 2007
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when you stand on a stolen McDonald’s food tray and get pulled by a car, simulating wake boarding around your neighborhood
Damn I’m board you wanna steal some trays from McDonald’s and go tray boarding?
by Candyman141 April 15, 2018
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When a bunch of people leave work at lunch and hit up the stripclub!
"The office is killing me"
"Tony, Bob, Andrew, Derek....let's go its time for a Canadian Board meeting"
"I've had this stack of dollars in my office burning a hole in my desk!"
"Let's hope that dollar burns a hole in a g-string"
by Diabestic January 23, 2015
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