In Greek Latin. The name Jayden translates to “Lord of all Benders” and in the bible Jayden in quote 359 fucks himself with anal beads
Look at all them Jayden’s
by Ciaran96804 July 29, 2018
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Jayden is the prettiest girl you will ever meet. Jayden may say she isn't pretty but you have to remind her that she is.
That girl is so beautiful she must be a Jayden.
by Aulti April 27, 2021
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Jayden is the #1 kind of person you need for a best friend. He will make you laugh cheer you up when your sad, even give you presents out of no were. He knows exactly what's wrong with you even if you don't say anything. Jayden will always be the one who has your back, no matter what comes your way. If you have a Jayden keep him/her and NEVER LET GO
"Jayden said he wants to be friends"

" OMG really I've been wanting to be true.ds with him since 4th grade"
by KK_KENT_91797 November 4, 2019
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Jeff: I'm short
Dave: oh you should change your name to jayden
by joe1232312 June 15, 2021
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Really fat no one likes jayden and many people want him to die in whole and never cruel back up with his chubby little sausage fingers
Jayden is really fat
by Larry long bottom October 23, 2020
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Jayden fucked the girl his BBC so hard she called the cops:}
by DOOTIE BOOOTIE FUCK November 25, 2021
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