You'll know its bad after you eat it. If you belly hurts its bad.
Mmmm that ice cream whas gooOoood! *2 minutes later* Uggghhhh wowza! That was deffinitly bad.That was (bad ice cream).
by Wowza! Thats crazy! October 19, 2019
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means Drug shop {where drug dealer sell drugs, and can also be called "ice cream parlor"}
Da Ice cream parlur is where u can find da beans, skittles n cake.
by Allahatopia November 22, 2018
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A type of gay porn, where one man cums inbetween the other mans cheeks
Top: i'm gonna ice cream valley that ass
Bottom: fuck yeah!!
by thegrizzman February 5, 2023
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When you have sex with another person and that person shits on your dick in a swirling motion to create what looks like a soft-serve ice cream cone.
Person 1 - "Bro, this chick just gave me the dirtiest Ice Cream Cone last night!"
Person 2 - "Damn, that's crazy."
by Frozone4321 December 17, 2021
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The shape of a severely over weight woman that has thin legs but spills out of their pants like a cone of soft serve ice cream. 🍦
Jasmine:"Ice Cream Cone!"
Elle:"You want ice cream?
Jasmine:"No, over there, that fat lady looks like a soft served ice cream cone!"
Elle:"You are what you eat!"
by Eve4 May 28, 2022
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A person who is extremely arrogant about their inferior ice cream preferences to the point that they deminish other people's ice cream preferences. They of course will eat any ice cream, but make sure everyone in the room knows that the ice cream is inferior.
The ice cream fucktard asked for a scoop of my Blue Bell, and then had the audacity to complain that it wasn't Scoops ice cream.
by Othelia November 8, 2015
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