A slutty female who licks any male genitals for a nicotine fix
Kira is such an apple bag junkie ,she licked Jim's balls and 9 of his buddies balls as well,so they all pitched in and bought her a carton of cigs
by BIG T 49 August 24, 2017
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when you tack of selfie with your nuts on someones face
i fucked this bitch up that was talking shit about my girl i whipped my balls out and put them on his face and took a "selfie tea bag"
by chandho April 18, 2014
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giving a t-bag while riding the teacup ride
when bobby got his goody bag snatched from the mailbox he gave andrea a teacup t-bag like only a carnie can do
by Spinnifer February 22, 2023
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A dusty, old, Canadian who thinks he can control women.
Old Canadian man, "Hey, get your wife under control." American wife, "fuck off you old diaper bag!"
by Take a shot o jamo January 29, 2017
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The act of promoting a soldier who has made such grand mistakes that using said soldier for anything else besides finding other soldiers capable of grand mistakes would be in breach of true justice.

The warhead serves as a prerequisite of a fully armed Shit Bag Nuke which is operational but yet to be fully unveiled.
(if you ask I can give an example of a real life shit bag warhead)
The political machine in America has become a bit obvious in it's bullshit, they must have had a shit bag warhead laying around to get everyone marching.
by Ragnar Funnies September 10, 2018
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When you want to fuck a fugly bitch so you put a bag on her head before you bang her.
She was so fugly that I had to bag and bang her.
by Bamalam9999 November 12, 2009
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