The act of rolling a joint while taking a shit.
Yo, I gotta go snag my tray so i can sit n roll then we can blaze up later
by jackmaster9000 February 17, 2012
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insult delivered to that fat douche bag who just won't shut the fuck up
fat douche bag: dude you can't do that for shit

maddog: go do a sit-up you fat shit
by DUDL3Y February 17, 2010
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she is a nerd
she thinks shes not a nerd but she literally plays sudoku
in an L math class
dumb nerd
person "Hey, are you new here?"
girl "Yes, but I already brought my new sudoku book to school. Want to play?"
person "Ew, nerd, no ones gonna be your friend because youre a dumb nerd"
girl "Okay.."
other person "Broooo thats the Girl that sits next to me in Physics shes such a nerd"
person "fr"
by ILOVEAMERICA4EVER February 10, 2023
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Term to describe staying in, with your friends and taking copious amount of ketta and or coke and talking shit. Everyone has on a novelty hat on, all wearing oversized tracksuits of the hosts… sitting on a couch and/or 10 people all on a bed. You do not leave the house, it’s a sit in. Get comfy.
“Dude let’s not go out tonight, let’s just get the crew over and we’ll have a sit in..”

“I just got new strobe lights for my room, let’s have a sit in!”

“I’m over going out, I’d rather just have a sit in with you lot
by Coucoubinx December 23, 2022
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An exclamation and assertion of dominance. Typically to be used in an online fighting game after defeating an opponent.
*Noobinator69 has just picked a fight with MLGPro 360 and lost*

by Stupidly Sophisticated December 27, 2021
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Among some lower-socio-economic segments of society in the South, a polite way of saying "using the toilet to defecate", which is generally considered much politer than more common expressions such as "taking a shit".
Student/inmate in a juvenile reform school to his dorm supervisor: Can I use the restroom?
Dorm supervisor: Do you just need to pee or do you need to have a sit-down?
by Mild7 March 1, 2021
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