A loaded traffic cone or LTC for short is a weapon in a combat game that is so overly situational that it becomes useless in situations that go even the slightest bit outside of it's intended use.
Bob: I just bought the 93B-Lake in Calling Honor

John: The 93B-Lake is such a loaded traffic cone
by pejafme December 26, 2020
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1. To be put in a shitty, or otherwise undesirable situation.

2. To lose something that was otherwise won.
1) Omg, we had that game in the bag and we just got "Coned"

2) I just got coned man, he stole my boost
by Lelander94 September 18, 2019
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A fight ring that concludes with all contestants having oral sex
Person A: did you see the fuck cuss cone last night on tv
Person B: nope, bro, I was there in the crowd
by FlopEaredFuckrr November 23, 2018
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Someone who rips the maddest cones known to mankind
“Yo did you see Koston last night?”
“That man was off the goop!”
“Yeah he’s a straight up Cone Demon”
by March 15, 2023
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To be sexually assaulted in the rear
Getting coned- to be sexuall assulted in the rear by a penis
by Stevez July 18, 2017
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a genre of music characterized by slow, heavy drums, distorted guitars, lots of bass, and usually baritone saxophone.
what do you think of this song?”

“it’s so cool! i love traffic cone rock!”
by nyxy.bo.bixy24 January 16, 2023
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