When a mom sleeps with her own son or her son’s friends
by Doopdooppoop June 6, 2020
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Much akin to a graphics whore in video game culture. A story whore is a person that only cares about story in video games. Despite video games typically having garbage stories on average.

They will not care about gameplay. That is the 2nd to last thing they care about.

They will play games by Playstation 3 Naughty Dog like Last of Us and Uncharted despite having a lack of gameplay and being linear.
Gamer: Bro did you play The other M?

Story whore: Yeah I did it sucked.

Gamer: Why?

Story whore: Because the story was bad. Samus was completely helpless and submissive to her leaders.

Gamer: But what about the gameplay?

Story whore: Oh that was pretty cool I guess.
by Chevyman95 September 6, 2019
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An individual who is exposes their ankles promiscuously.
Look at Joanna showing her ankles. She’s such an ankle WHORE
by Anklebitter2828 August 26, 2021
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Women's shoes with ridiculously high heels and very thick soles, usually made from obviously fake leather. Most often worn by the kid of girl who is every bit as cheap as the shoes.
"Look at that girl trying to walk in her whore boots! She'll break her ankle is she's not careful."
"I bet she's already broken worse than her ankle!"
by CharlesMouse January 13, 2022
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Dozen = 12
Bakers Dozen = 13
Whores Dozen = 14
How many people are going to be at the party?

Oh, I reckon at least a whores dozen!
by Better than a Bakers October 13, 2023
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1. When a slight misfortune is brought upon somebody because of your own act of hapless existence.

2. Strong smelling perfume or deodorant.
1. Per se, if you are emotionally retarded and are unable to maintain a relationship but have somehow attracted a member of the sex that your sexuality pleases, it is an unfortunate situation for them because they can't actually have you, this situation would be:

Hermoine: "Juan Paulo likes me but I told him that it's not gonna work out or whatever"
Ron: "WHORE LIGHTNING STRIKES AGAIN" (*Ron patiently waits for his time to come soon*)

2. When you walk into someone's personal cloud of axe body spray or somehow this random whore booty at the club has managed to put on enough lady's speed stick to mask the body odor of the entire club as a unit, whore lighting would be striking you, again, because let's face it. We've all been there. And again you would say:

by Aria Tinkleberry Diddlesbury August 20, 2013
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Person 1: yo I got a sick blow job from a Denny whore
Person 2: what’s a Denny whore?
Person 1: man it’s a whore in the back of dennys parking lot
by Temen420 December 13, 2021
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