Kyle Ashley a guy with a big forhead with a meme account on Instagram most likey a 12 year old boy
Look Kyle Ashley forhead

What's the latest memes Kyle Ashley
by Thisyearsucks May 20, 2020
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When someone leaves for 1 or 2 days. Sometimes 3 or 4 days depending upon the situation.

Usually an Ashley's normal time frame to be MIA.
Oh damn Katie took an Ashley Minute I have not seen her.
by Xam ;p September 16, 2019
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A one of a Kind chick that you don't wanna mess with bra! She is beautiful, kind sweet, and know how to start something funny not even trying. Is very talented and sweet hearted, but also wild and knows how to party. Hides a lot about herself and only shows herself by what she would want to. May seem smart, shy, and quiet. But once you get her going, you will have those rare moments when she lets go. Her smile is one you can't find anywhere else. To make her smile is easy, but one that is something that makes her eyes sparkle is a different story. She is very athletic and can show a boy who is boss. Underestimate her and your asking to get your ass kicked. She doesn't believe she is beautiful as she hides behind her glasses, and hair in the world. But if you ever get her to take it off, get ready to be like whoa. She has a gift alright, as she is also friends with all and cares a lot for others. One day you might meet this gal, and when you do, don't let this one go.
Ashley is playing a game with Lemus Ashley Lemus is a name
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1. One who is a talentless hack.

2. Someone who only has a career in the entertainment industry because she shares the same last name as her sister.
This person sucks. looks like they pulled an Ashley Simpson.
by quagblar March 5, 2007
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A person of true beauty; one who is absolutely amazing in every sense of human nature. She's beautiful for more than a day, for more than a moment. She's beautiful every waking minute, and nothing can ever compare to her. Her brown, infinite eyes. Remind you of what's lovely in this world. She is simply undescribable. Should one attempt to depict what makes her so special, that person would be left speechless for hours.
Mayor John: "I've never seen such a marvelous person! Who is she?"

Andres: "That's Ashley Sunshine. She truly is someone special.."
by Solar Ice October 13, 2011
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1. The act of screwing something up, to the extent that is absolutely fucking beyond comprehension.

2. To produce a bowel movement so insidious, that it both clogs the toilet and stinks the fuck out of the place.

Named after Mike Ashley, the rotund owner of Newcastle United FC. Known universally for making a complete cock of himself, and providing entertainment for the sporting world. But obviously not the fans of Newcastle. Known for very bad decisions and for resembling a steaming pile of shite.

See also "ashley".
1. Guy 1: "In Vegas, I bet all my companies assets on red and lost. I picked up a hooker and now have the clap. I was arrested and puked on a cop. They found a bag of coke in my pocket, a bloodied knife, and tomorrow I'm due in front of the judge."

Guy 2: "You're fucked. You've been doing an Ashley again"

2. "Last night I drank a shit load of beer and ate a really spicy curry. Don't go in that toilets for a while as I've been doing an Ashley in there."
by ToonArmyMIA December 11, 2010
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A beautiful girl who writes amazing poetry, she can be found on, but her screenname is always changing.
Did you read the latest poem by Keira Ashley? It was amazing.
by Someone That Is No One August 2, 2009
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