Freddie is the most angelic person to roam the earth. He is beautiful to look at. If you haze into his eyes deeply all your worries will pass away in that very moment. Freddie is the light in this world. When darkness hits he is the light that burns within your soul. The light that never dims. Freddie is the best soul mate you will ever meet. Committed and passionate in all aspects of his life. Freddie is a gentle giant who wouldn't hurt a fly. His arms and and warmth is like sitting in front of a cosy fire on a winters night. His lips are gentle like the fur of a puppy. Freddie is extremely intelligent and has a fire in his belly to succeed in all things. Most the time Freddie is passionate however the world is cruel and sometimes Freddie can lack in confidence. Freddie needs a lioness/lion by his side that can fight his battles when he is at his weakest. He needs to be reminded how amazing he is as a person. When you meet a Freddie all your woes will go away. The brightest star in the galaxy. Always hold on to a Freddie. It's like finding a diamond within the deepest part of the ocean. Don't drop it. Cling onto it with all your might or you'll loose your greatest possession.
Freddie is amazing
by Pesticcio1 November 22, 2021
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A Freddie is typically a male with a imposterous generosity known for Indian giving. A Jeckle and Hyde personality eventually draining its mate with its parasitic energy.
by SAYWEETIE SILVERBACK December 6, 2021
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Freddie: This is someone who cares about everyone and will stretch farther than his limit to see that they’re ok. Freddie can work for hours, walk for miles and reach heights not even he knew were possible. He’s the person you go to if you need help, he’ll even know before you ask.

Freddie doesn’t discriminate on who you love, what you look like, what you wear, nothing. He loves you for who you are and cherishes the moments you both spend. However, do not take him for a fool, underneath a warm bubbly and angelic exterior lies someone who is cold, anxious, and angry at himself for being foolish. Don’t cross him because he will drop all contact with you. He is forgiving but you only have one chance, so don’t mess it up! Freddie, a lover, fighter for the right cause and loyal to the last stand.
by TrainWreck101 May 3, 2021
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Freddie loves johanna
Damm freddie and johanna lookin fine
by bigman455 February 18, 2022
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A short hand name for Miller Lite.

Derived from Miller’s first name “Fredrick
Yo dude , let’s drink some Freddie’s!
by TeamSllam September 20, 2022
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shit at fortnite so good at valoran sexy motherfooker
freddie is good at valorant
by sexy mother fooker October 8, 2020
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Freddie's are usually very intelligent and some what athletic. Freddie's usually have a lot of friends. Freddie's are usually tall and have good hair.
Freddie is so smart.
I wish I had Freddie's hair.
by Fredward617 December 15, 2018
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