On December 10th you have to makeout with someone named jr or junior for 10 seconds
Lip to lip contact with someone named junior for 10 or more seconds. That’s how you correctly kiss a junior.
by 3ergstju October 4, 2021
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Kentucky Junior is another name for Ohio. It is based on new demographics in Ohio and their voting record in the last election.
Him: Did you hear that Ohio is losing its battleground state status?
Me: Where did you hear this?
Him: I saw it on the front page of the newspaper and in a magazine. Our demographics now are lining up with Kentucky - KENTUCKY!
Me: So I guess that makes us Kentucky Junior?
Him: We really have to move!
by Siouxsie Supertramp December 7, 2020
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A school for grades 8th-9th or 8th
It's my first day at Junior high school
by 459395 March 11, 2022
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A primary school located in Braintree, Essex. This school is well known for fucking up their school lunches and play equipment. Most criminals were raised in this small primary school.
"Hey man, did you go to Great Bradfords Junior School?"

"Of course! That's how I'm in jail."
by Scrdew February 20, 2023
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Brown county junior high school (BCJHS) is a middle school in ur ole small town brown county Indiana. It’s a good school, they got vsco girls, e boys, emo, straight A students, crack heads, class clowns, and more. They get slushees every Friday tho, but they are usually weird flavors like lime and watermelon... gross . some teachers are meanie heads, others are okay. if you go there, i feel sorry for you.
what school do you go to?

Ugh, brown county junior high school
oh. i’m sorry.
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