Did you see Maria last night wreck ComicsGate for the 18th time? She’s such a succubus whore!
by Takeable_Peni July 24, 2021
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Alan is the man whore because he doesn't want Victoria and only Victoria alan man whore
by Lexiiiii02 March 10, 2016
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Help a kevin is trying to fuck me, he's a gay whore!
by Mr. Pancakes0206 January 8, 2022
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When your best friends lets you almost win the kills you last second
Your a gay whore for killing me when I was about to escape
by Baddest Bitch of all June 20, 2021
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a person who is addicted to repetitively slapping random people's genitals
Rob picked up a car full of girls... he is such a slap whore!
by Robert 🎩🏃🏼 May 30, 2017
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Someone who is always talking on the phone, and flirting most of the time.
John: Hey Bob, wow, is Brittney still talking on the phone?

Bob: Yeah, she been talking to the same guy for hours now.

John: Wow, what a tele-whore.
by Caleb W. March 11, 2008
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(1) someone who goes to a ton concerts. they don't care about ticket price or the musician; they're only there for the music

(2) someone who goes to concerts to try and have sex with the musicians' backstage
(1) a: hey man, look. she's always at a concert.

b: yeah, she's a concert whore.

(2) a: did you see that girl go back with -musician name-?
b: she's just another concert whore.
by b067r_08 February 13, 2022
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