A sport that is really just a super intense game of don't let the ball touch the floor.
Girl 2:"Don't you mean, volleyball??
by himynameisbob10150 November 9, 2016
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a girl that never wears long pants and that is dummy thicccccccccc and actually plays volleyball
Chad: did you see that Volleyball Girl?
Marcus: Yeah she thiccccc
by urdadissohotomg November 2, 2019
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To argue back and forth with another, lobbing insults while doing so.
Nick: "Mary, we fucked, but I never promised you anything more, so stop being such a cunt."
Mary: "You're nothing but a two-timing low-life sign maker, Nick."
Nick: "If you want to continue this game of verbal volleyball, it'll have to be later, honey. I've gotta get to a meeting."
by stockman09 October 30, 2007
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A sport where there are 2 types of players, big girls in tight ass spandex and think their hot but look like whales and complain about knee injury and girls that are skinny in tight ass spandex and know their hot and show their ass for the baseball boys.
I hate how Lilly keeps playing volleyball she’s too fat and her knees gonna give out again
by Uunc March 17, 2019
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the disgusting smell that comes from your knees/knee pads after a good day of practice.
after practice
"im taking off my knee pads"
*takes off*
"EWW WTF?!?!?!?"
"thats volleyball knee for ya"
by vball315 September 23, 2008
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a girl version of a bro and wears spandex regularly around the house, outside, under sweatpants. Goes to volleyball 3+ times a week. Use their slang words normally. Eat breath and sleep volleyball
That volleyball bra has a great ass
by Emmmaayyyyyyy January 30, 2011
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The best kind of sports ass and/or white ass.
White volleyball ass is the best kind of white ass.
by Confederacy August 20, 2008
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