Georgetown Visitation or Visi for short is a ridiculously old school that is part nunnery. This school is not bad at all, but their sibling schools absolutely suck, for example Gonzaga has a day off every year for I don’t know how long in honor of the Super Bowl! We’re not even going to talk about Georgetown Prep… I digress, an average “Visi girl” is usually tired, hungry, and sick of studying, and usually does sports or cheer or something like that. The rest us us (including me) are tired, gay, very gender, and is most likely deeply involved in theatre or preforming arts. Not to mention there is a pro life club run by a dude who is married and has children. Just a warning, there are popular girls who can cancel things planned weeks in the making like one red and white party with a single sentence. There was a scandal… oh and you aren’t allowed to chose pronouns without a teacher okaying it beforehand. We are still great tho! Plz apply ☻ . Plz don’t leave me in this hell!!!
Duke kid: Damn, you look like you’ve been in hell.

Me: I was, a conservative hell called Georgetown Visitation!
by Laurenszenonbinarybroski February 12, 2023
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It is an alibi to going to the strip club and a code word among men. Anyone can tell their wife or mother I'm going to hang with cousin Vince and not get scolded.
Kip: Want to follow me to softball?
Howie: Can't man I'm visiting vince.
Kip: how do you get money for that?
Howie: I go to the place off Overland
Kip: That place is so dirty and cheap its like the Pojo's of all strip club.
Howie: Ya Vince just likes the nickle slots
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A vacation or short trip to a state that has legalized recreational marijuana.
I need a quick gangugal visit to CA now that its legal!
by ScratchSmarter January 19, 2018
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usually used when referring to the time spent with your significant other while they're being held captive by a high authority.
"Brandy is grounded again man, im not allowed to see her now, visiting hours are closed."
by bree demarest May 6, 2007
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When your girlfriend's cat, during the course of its normal nighttime patrol, hops in bed with you and wakes you up. Usually just looking for attention, but sometimes plotting your demise. "NV" for short.
After 8 JD's and 3 NV's, Bob felt less than refreshed the next morning.
by Lee v1.0 August 6, 2005
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