When a fella does so much cock gobbling that they begin to put on weight due to large intakes of man mayo.
Yo nick, you're looking good man. You wanna lay off the pipe though bro you getting one of them spunk tummy's
by Kev McDermott April 5, 2015
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Two guys lie down on the floor facing each other and both grind their erect penises against the belly of the other person. The first person to come loses.
Dub: "Do you want to play tummy sticks?"

Kurt: "Not today. My wife almost left me after she caught us playing last Tuesday. I guess we could play at your house."
by TheTruth3234 November 20, 2018
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Excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder. Often caused by the consumption of kebabs or curries.
I had a runny tummy for about a week after eating that curry Sheila cooked.
by Good Old Dave March 6, 2007
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Sex position with the penis in or around the belly button.

Created by Tommy Wiseau in his movie, The Room.
"Oh hi Mark. Come over here and let's do the Tummy Wiseau." -Lisa
by Sammi Davis Jr jr March 18, 2018
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To lather someones stomach in cum or salvia by licking or ejaculating.
Ex :give me cummies on my stomach i want a slippery tummy .
by Kipperson March 19, 2020
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a penis at full erection (180 degrees +), so that it touches the stomach
I had to bend over to urinate with that tummy thumper I had this morning.
by Ttonkytonk January 28, 2010
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