something that both sexes can enjoy.
why can't people believe that i'm a chick and that i have my own porn collection?
by kamikaze.soul July 27, 2004
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Arousing materials usually employed for masturbatory purposes.

It's often said that the most senstive part of your body during a porn session is your ears - no one likes getting busted with their undies around their ankles.

But, the use of porn doesn't need to be such an ugly experience. 'The Big Wank' (see below) is an example of how you can add more mystique and romance to your evening at home alone.
We all know the quickie wank is the preferred method for those in a hurry. However, if you've got the place to yourself, why not spice things up a bit? 'The Big Wank' is a tried-and-tested method to do just that.

Start by cooking a romantic dinner for one. Choose a fine red, and dine by candle-light. It's important to start developing some pre-porn ambience.

Follow dinner with a long sensuous bath - don't forget those scented oils and more candles - and towel off with a fresh, warmed fluffy towel (quality gentlemen, please).

Retire to the boudior, taking your selected porn for the evening with you. If your porn isn't in magazine form (and these days seems to win out over the printed form), you might need to get wireless installed, or invest in a really long cable to your broadband router.

Don't rush it. Light an oil burner or some incense. More candles placed strategically around the bedroom can help create a special porn-reading atmosphere.

Browse through your porn at a leisurely pace. Your objective should be to develop a really nice fantasy sequence with your selected images.

When you are ready, arrange your porn in sequence around you on the bed, and gently ease yourself towards a well-deserved orgasm.

Try it - you'll be pleased you did!
by concernedbystander January 11, 2005
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The traditional way for young female Americans to afford university education (those not from wealthy families).
America is the land of opportunity - everyone can succeed if they are willing to involved themselves in some porn to get their university education.
by Stuart October 12, 2003
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The traditional way for men of all ages to combine ejaculate, idiotic clichés about female college students and the deletion of their browser's history into one big multi-billion Dollar industry.
I signed a petition demanding that the Incognito mode of Google's Chrome browser be renamed "Porno Browse".
by earpinch2 August 15, 2009
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The best shit you'll ever see. You can find it in a video or even in a magizine, but the most popular way of seing it is through the internet.
Some friend: Hey, JC wanna go make fun of people?

JC: You can go make fun of people and shove it up your ass, i'm watching Porn-o!
by Jonathan Cervantes November 14, 2005
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something that the user loses interest in after masturbation has occurred
bob has stacks of this stuff. he denies it but theres too much to hide
by Jinzaki June 21, 2005
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porn (poor-nn)short for pornography (poor-nooh-graa-fie)noun.
an image or movie in which 2 humans (usually a male and a female) engage in sexual intercourse. its audiance is usually a boy, on his computer, with his pants off, rubbing his reproductive organ until he feels that he is satisfied. this is then usually followed by a deleting of history and a wiping of the top of the organ. considered by some to be pleasent.
boy: i love porn
girl: i know, you're a boy
by mandude June 8, 2007
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