A guy (or girl) whose body parts above the shoulders look like a thumb. Usually a large forehead.
Here come the thumbs!!
by Phatho May 21, 2017
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When one's hole has been penetrated by another's thumb for pleasure and sensation; similar to fingered
Emily thumbed Alex's butthole while they were experimenting with each other.
by SidneyOwhh March 4, 2014
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the use ofɜ bending one's thumb in purpose for gaming orɜ other things including one hands
john was thumbing his hand console control with vigor through a complicated game level twisting bending steering flexing crooking
by thumper903127 July 10, 2010
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An inside reference to the genitalia of one, Jacob. This is due to the fact that said non-circumcised penis suspiciously resembles a thumb, sans the nail. Upon closer examination (a daunting task in and of itself) this third 'thumb' is quite grotesque and awkwardly suited for aural insertion. Beans are meat.
by Traust May 20, 2008
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"I used the thumb on Karen last night. It was amazing."
by Dahlia A.N. April 9, 2019
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The act of verbal coitis or intercourse via text message
by Uncle tooth December 1, 2009
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