when someone's flirting with you and using you for nudes, whilst having the intention of having sex with you
Random kid: Did you ask Emily for NuDeS?
Sam: Yeah I was razzing with her
by urnextdoorneighbour October 14, 2019
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Awesome, wicked, cool, tasty

Derived from the name of the snack, "Frazzle" which are so god damned tasty/Awesome/wicked/cool.
"I just beat some old man shitless!"

"Razz, man"
by Richard in your Twat June 21, 2005
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A. To throw a raspberry at someone wearing a light colored shirt with enough force to leave a stain
B. To pull a prank on someone that has similar emotional detriment to having a raspberry stain on their shirt
by nienkampf May 1, 2010
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learned it from my mom.
my brother was teasing my mom after she had a few drinks and she said "don't fuckin razz me"!
by uncle daddy December 2, 2004
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means amazing, kl, great etc etc...
person1 "omg yeh that gig last night was razz!"
by x-rach-x September 12, 2006
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(n). Slang for cocaine.
"tonight lets go out and get on the razz."
by mambo55 September 4, 2007
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FUGLY! Often referred to in times of sexual deprivation.

Man im so desperate i could shag a Razz.
by Anonymous April 7, 2003
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