by MEGAN KATHERINE July 15, 2008
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A driver who moves up as close to the line and or car in front of him as if it will make him or her get anywhere any faster
Driver: This guy keeps riding my ass, as if i can go anywhere in this red light.

Passenger: Yeah hes a worthless inch pincher.
by bLiTcH August 4, 2008
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In which you carve a hole into a bowling ball below the finger holes, stick your dick in it, and ask a lady friend to go bowling. Similar to the Popcorn trick.
Travis, I just experienced the Minnesota Pincher

Dude, did you wait for bowling date #3?

Shit... Maybe I shouldn't have gone on a bowling date.
by Daman009 November 30, 2010
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When a man fucks the shit out of a girls ass hole while reaching over her shoulders and pinching her nipples until blood is dripping on the floor.
She said she wanted it rough, so I gave that thot the Portuguese pincher.
by Vbds32 March 2, 2017
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The Sexual Act of putting your male genitalia inside of an awful hot coffee pot, and then keeping it there until you can not feel your penis anymore. Then, Ram Jabbing your partner until they suffer and die due to a stroke.
My wife was being a bitch so I gave her the PP Cold Pincher
by retardomilos May 17, 2021
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Someone who has a two inch dick, thus having to pinch it to masturbate
Michael has a two-incher pincher because he thinks his hot shit at Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and has prestiged 4 times. Ohh yea and don't forget the fact his dad randomly beats the shit out of him with his belt while Michael is trying to prestige 5 times on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
by 752002729 January 20, 2010
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A deviant sexual maneuver involving a man and another individual (man or woman) who is adequately proportioned. The man, after returning from his local KFC, will proceed to pour large amounts of brown gravy across the body of his spherical partner. After waiting several hours for the gravy to solidify, the man inserts his penis into the love handles of his chosen mate and a pinching effect will occur.

The obese partner's willingness to consume the gravy and or the ejaculatory substance of the male partner in question is optional.
Jon gave Jared a Pennsylvania Pickle Pincher, but the two neglected to return home to perform the maneuver. They have been banned from KFC ever since.
by Decoy<3Vezal January 13, 2010
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