I can't believe she left the house looking like a HAM!
by trich010 November 20, 2010
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an adjective used on girls to rate them. Usually comes with the ham meter package which can detect the scale of a ham girl. 99% of the female population don't know what this means, so use freely. Most of the ham population live in a small town called Oak Harbor, WA. It's fucking terrible. The smallest thing can turn a fine ass girl into a ham ass mother fucking bitch.
It's a great cover-up for the following words:
We got so many ham ass bitches in our school!

Joe: Hey Pam, guess what!?

Pam: What?

Joe: You're ham!


*Ham girl walking by in confusion*

-Guy walks into a group of girls-

Attention! Attention! You're all ham as fuck.
by TheAlmightyBasedLord September 29, 2011
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Noun, Verb.
An annoying person or thing that unecessarily lurks in an unwanted manner.
She wouldn't stop hamming on my back last night, she wouldn't leave.

That suitcase at the top of the stairs is such a ham ham hamming to ham - it's been sitting there for months!
by Sr. Anch January 18, 2009
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ham is a good thing to eat
"want some ham?"
"oh yes!!!!!"
by hello my hubby friend May 5, 2020
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Breasts of large size. Usually not contained within a bra or other supportive device.
Donna's got very large hams.
by x_x_x_x May 24, 2006
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I'll have to do some p90 after eating all that ham
by ilovelondon88 April 6, 2012
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