Medusa Clan is an online game rendition of a popular covert ops codename, They stand for loyalty and honor.

Most Medusa Members seem to congregate around Servers Running Americas Army , and have been known to clear a server of all players with there superior tactics and gameplay.
"Damn MEDUSA just tore through our team like a texas Gang Bang"

"Damn MEDUSA has to be cheating , no one can get that many kills in a round"
by Cylon February 5, 2004
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A female hair style that is so nappy (and cave womanish) that you can't look at it without turning to stone (and not a good stone). It's also so far beyond the opportunity to comb it that you might as well shave it off like Britney.
"Damn girl, you better tame that nappy medusa*t is goin' crazy!..."
by AaronTheObserver November 9, 2007
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A penis so large that when you take one look at it you become so frightened that you turn into stone.
If your dick had elephantiasis.

This past weekend I was totally gonna hook up with this guy from work but he had medusa dick. MEDUSA DIIIIIIIICCCCKK!!

This is one term you don't get to use that often.
by Mimi Bush April 10, 2014
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The sexual act in which you rip off your pubes and put them in a Yamaka. Then, you put the Yamaka on your partners head.
I totally gave Will the Jewish Medusa last night. He took it like a man.
by HitmeagainLaxBro November 3, 2011
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guy 1. hey do you know who eddie medusa is
guy 2. yes every swedish person knows who that is
by sigge vesterprutt December 8, 2020
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DoubleFist Medusa
The DoubleFist Medusa is when you stick both hands in a girls ass, open your hands while inside her ass and wiggle your fingers like Medusa hair
by OleMaeWest January 3, 2019
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