(verb) the act of writing a grafitti tag in a highly visible public place.
Tonight me and REA are going out bombing, you down?
by JMello August 19, 2003
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The act of bombing it, is where you take a drug such as meth, wrap it in tissue paper & swallow it.
person1: Man that gear tastes bad, I nearly vomited!
person2: Why dont you bomb it?
Person1: Good idea!
by mrPiney January 30, 2008
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1. the greatest, cool, awesome, spectacular, etc.
usually is used with the word "the"
(see "the shit")

2. with 'ed' as a suffix, is used to describe a failure, or other similar situation.

3. to ski down a straight line, without properly moving 'side to side' in which is said that is proper skiing down a hill.
1. dude, that movie was the bomb!

2. ugh, i think i bombed that test -_-

3. Bob: Can you teach me how to ski?
Bill: nah sorry i just bomb it.
by KATIE! :) March 27, 2008
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A considerably large pinch of dip. (smokeless chewing tobacco)
Me and the boys pack bombs. we go through a tin and a half a day!
by cory22 January 11, 2007
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my GAWD!!! would you look at the size of THOSE bombs!!
by bmoc November 15, 2003
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cool, awesome. Also see shit
man, thats the bomb. or dude, that da bomb
by pea December 13, 2002
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