forum acronym: quote is not edit.

Refers to the situation when intending to edit your post you misclick and quote it instead, resulting in two identical posts; thence the second post you replace with 'edit:quine'
Used at SA forums

variants 'QuINE', 'qine', 'quote is not edit'
(first post)
(following post with the same content as the first)
(later edit of the second post) edit: quine
by CapriciousTwisper April 22, 2010
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A fat gay thot that does nothing but eat chicken and toes all day. Can be found playing fortnite or Minecraft. Never goes to sleep because he’s too busy beating his meat because of his sad, lonely life. Online dates all the time. Makes roblox fan fictions. Is also trans. Probably watches porn and stalks his neighbors.
Boy:So I heard you got raped the other day. Do you know who?
Girl:No, but he was fat and ugly. He told me he was gay and forced me to play fortnite with him.

Boy:Oh, that must have been a Quin
by #BigMamaThreesome March 26, 2019
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A completely in the closet gay, faggot. He betrayed his friends by leaving them for a girl he has been madly in love with for years. He is probably faking this relationship because like I said, he is insanely gay. He thinks he's the shit at everything and did I mention he's gay
Quin is a fag
by Ihatequin June 9, 2014
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The Act of absolutely killing funny jokes or situations by attempting to back up the funny joke with a completely unfunny statement that preceeds an awkward silence. this act should be followed by someone else saying "Quinned It" to the quinner highlighting further how much of a dick that person is for ruining a funny moment.
person 1: (insert any funny statement here)

person 2: (completey unfunny shite comment)

person 3: "Quinned It"

Any situation like this should from now be refered to as Quinning
by schmichaellowe March 28, 2012
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being thrown off a fire escape/ rooftop / lighthouse, etc.
Why is that man splattered on the ground? He was just quinned.
by j4kk3d March 11, 2004
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His dick is the size of Mars and is handsome as fuck and every quin hates a Jacob and loves a gabi a quin also gets all the girls and is the best person to ever walk on this earth also a Jacob is fucking stupid and his dick is as small as a Christian worm a marcel is a great friend for a quin but a Jacob is ugly as shit a Jacob is a fucking cow and everybody hates his bad looks and fat belly he also has really squishy udders a Jacob is also gay for Shawn Mendez a Jacob is also an alcoholic and sells drugs and if you feed him he will always come back which is why he is still with me this is why a quin is better and has the bigger dick.
QUIN IS BEST QUIN IS BEST “he also has the biggest dick
by Quin is better Jacob February 9, 2022
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Nick is a lowlife, No good useless kid. He considers taking his life but is to short to reach the bleach, He is a midget with practically no friends unless you count the rock he keeps under his dead cats kitty litter.

If you ever see a Nick Quin you should call the police and leave immediately as he can be known to carry many dieseases and has a lethal bite
by Kobi_C1uTch October 12, 2016
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