The act of branding a woman's vagina as to claim ownership.
Jimmy: What smells like burned cunt?

Random girl: Thats me, my boyfriend gave me a Cowboy Cattle Prod
by Mullet Boner August 11, 2011
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Nikola Tesla was an inventor and a electrical engineer whose theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems.

While having sex of any type in any position, one simply inserts a metal object into an electrical socket.

Beth had complained all night about the show, so when we got home, I laid the pipe to her and gave her a "Tesla Cock Prod ". She never came so hard in her life.

Also known as a Edison Reamer.
by ChuckGoldmember September 17, 2008
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dress up like batman with a utility belt, a cattle prod, a spray can and a gun and run around at night and when you see someone shit on him or her then spray them with your spray can and start beating them senseless then zap them with your cattle prod and then murder them with your gun.
Batman: hey robin wanna do some late night muddy Texas winged prodding?

Robin: fuck you and your BDSM fetishes.
by weedhead11111111111111111 April 17, 2018
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An extremely advanced sex technique that was banned in 19 countries by the Geneva Convention and remains today as one of the most powerful and notorious sex moves history

Double Cum Bubble Prod is when you mold your pre-cum into two separate bubbles on the tip of you cock than you push you dick against her cunt, but you do NOT penetrate.

If you keep prodding repeatedly and you will always cum last :D

The reason its so powerful is because the girl will prepare to be penetrated but it wont come. If you keep doing it she will keep preparing and keep going and going. This is extremely exhausting for her and the technique is primarily used to weaken her so you can be better in bed

However it was banned because the consequence can be dire. Continued usage can cause serious damage to her ass and may eventually cause severe sex problems in the next 16 years.

It can also be used to punish her and shit thats why it was banned

But besides that its a sick way to get that shit pumped, baby
DUDE 1: Bro one of my mentors taught me how to do the Double Cum Bubble Prod man

she was like -_- O_O -_- O_O -_- O_O

DUDE 2: Dude thats not cool she was probably hurt man

DUDE 1: Nah Im just pumping that shit homie
by Notorious waaay August 31, 2011
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when a man is sticking it to a woman and pulls out a cattle prod then he backs off and sticks it up her ass and turns it on at full blast then quickley pulls it out and grabs her and keeps going.
wow hun that okeechobee cattle prod hurt like a bitch
by bitch7489303 July 1, 2009
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Proforming intercourse whilst attached to jumper cables from either the nipples, clavicle maximus or upper humerous. (preferably 6-12 volts)
Felix-"Samantha and i are getting pretty serious, she said she wanted to try a Irish Cattle Prod tonight!"

Stan- "that sounds great!"
by CristianFlorindi October 14, 2014
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Electorshock erotica tool. Much like a cow prod and very popular among the Muhlers.
Rachel used the pickle prod to awaken her..."cat."
by Rachael Waterdwelling January 23, 2003
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