When a child returns your iPhone after borrowing and battery is completely spent.
Dad...your phone is on Red Percent!”
by harmszone May 3, 2018
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Oh crap! My phone is at 20 percent and I don’t have a charger!”
by AnimuSight July 21, 2018
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Someone that blindly believes objective nonsense despite the overwhelming body of reputable evidence showing it to be rubbish.
"Did you hear Dave won't get his vaccine because he's worried it will contain a 5g chip?"

"Urgh, that guy is such a 52 percenter"
by Kvarl_the_Lightbringer December 2, 2021
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1. A word used to compare someone who is a homosexual to the percentage of fat content in homogenized milk.

2. It is impossible to use this term without yourself being a homosexual.
That young fellow over there, I belive he is a 4 percent, because he enjoys the company of males in the region commonly known as his anus.
by K-Rimes April 3, 2004
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The state of euphoric charge by electricity where completion is at full capacity and can no longer accept charge.
How drunk are you?

I think my tank is on Full-Percent.

Hey bitch I got my money on Full-Percent.

This bud has me on Full-Percent.
by MIZIKAR November 2, 2014
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As a noun:
1. Someone who is in the top 1% in terms of either yearly income or total assets.
2. Someone who simply appears to be rich.
3. Someone who spends an extremely large amount of money on a single interest.
4. Occasionally just refers to the first world in general.

As an adjective:
1. Something usually attributed to one percenters.
2. Goods or services that are way more expensive than similar goods and services.

p.s. This keeps getting rejected, but I'm not making this term up. Search "One percenter" with quotes and more than half of the links refer to this usage. (but it's not on UD yet) You even accepted One Percenter Problem which is this used as an adjective. I took out the sample names used in my previous definition if that was a problem. (wasn't naming friends) Only using pronouns now, except Obama and Edwards who are celebs. Sorry about that.
As a noun:
1. Contrary to what some people think, Obama is a one percenter.
2. He dresses like a one percenter, but he's buried in debt.
3. Everyone in TF2 thinks I'm a one percenter because I have 6 god tier hats.

As an adjective:
1. The iPhone 5 shortage is a one percenter problem.
2. Everyone gave John Edwards crap for his one percenter haircut, but most major politicians who still have hair spend at least that much.
by sarysa October 20, 2012
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Only an estimated five percent of real men exist in the world. Those who know how and will succeed in the most efficient way possible.
Five percenter's are the new minority...not everybody's ready for that life!
by lucky lefty August 7, 2014
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