A way to have sex.
Unlike vaginal or anal where you penetrate the vagina or anus respectively, or oral where she sucks you, or tit where you fuck her tits like its ass or poke her nipples; Optical sex it where you pentrate her eye.

You push your hardened dick into her eye and proceed to do her. Her eye must be wide open the whole time. The act is finished when her eye is covered in cum.
John: What type of sex did you give her Jim?
Jim: Optical Sex, the one where I fuck her eye!
by Vladmir Makarov April 17, 2019
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When ones gluteus maximus appears to be rotund but when a closer look is taken, it is actually taking the affect of an ass but no ass is found until further investigation is taken and the ass begins much lower.
The "Optical Asslusion" Looks good from far, far from good.
by WAAAAAAAAAAAALT April 22, 2008
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Misreading a word, phrase, sentence or headline, often to humorous or shocking effect.
The headline read 'Intel back on track', but for a split second, I thought it said 'Intel back on crack'.
by beandog February 9, 2005
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Used to indicate staring; can also use "ill optic"; derived from Cyclops' (of the X-Men) special power
Joe "That cop's been watching us for a while now."

Barry "Oh, yeah he's giving us an optic blast?"

- Or -

Joe "That cop's giving us the ill optic."
by Neo June 15, 2003
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This is slang in some regions of the UK for the scientifical term eye guts. Often mistaken, optic nerve, by some for the real term, alas, it is not.
Used in Northern England and some parts of Scotland on the borderline.
Dude, I totally messed up my 'optic nerve'
by Dr. Sheldon Cooper. August 23, 2010
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They-hard MLG team that eats my cockdip
Hahhh gayyy optic peed in my mouth... I love optic scumper jumper and nade in optic gaming.
by Rub my nipps? September 15, 2013
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from>latin: poopusinvisionus; human affliction stemming from repeated berating, egodeflation, ex-wives, parade-precipitation, and constant mindfuck from a second party ~individual//group/groups. Common street vernacular that actually should be defined in UD is "SHITTY OUTLOOK".
I clean my contacts with Preperation-H because I have optical rectalitis.
by terryzz February 22, 2009
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