Levi is a sweet guy who deserves everything. He is really tall with brown curly hair and freckles on both cheeks. He says dude, bro, and yo a lot, almost too much. He can be really funny even when he's not trying to be.
Levi is so cool.
I'm so sorry, Levi.
by (***AnonymouslyAnonymous***) December 7, 2018
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Some pretty cool girl that is really nice, but can get angry.
Levy, do you wanna go to the theatre, later?
by Nun of yo biz, noZ June 29, 2011
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blue denim pants (from Levi Strauss, a company that makes such garnments)
I would not advise you to wear levis in this weather.
by Light Joker September 21, 2005
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You searched this up because toy wanted to see what popped up for the man you simp in Attack On Titan
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A nice guy when he wants to be but is mean to lots. He will date your best friend and slowly take her from you. He can seem charming but he has his flaws he is very nice to ones he loves. Levi has the ability to treat others nicely but only does when he wants to.
Levi is a good person at heart.
by Patricia Lee Dickinson March 27, 2018
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A famous jean maker. Levi Strauss is the person who invented jeans, and thank God he did!
My favorite Levi's jean is the 505s.
by Qbert September 11, 2003
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Thiis is Levi!!!
by Pussy s May 1, 2018
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